The Spanish word "Chili" describes Peppers of all kinds, but in English, the name is usually only applied to the pungent varieties used for flavoring. C. frutescens grossum, the Sweet or Bell Pepper, is a popular vegetable. When the fruit is ripe it is red or yellow, but it's used as a vegetable in the green stage. Certain kinds of Peppers are very pretty when grown as potted plants, especially in the fall and early winter. The best are C. frutescens cerasiforme, the Cherry Pepper and C. frutescens conoides, the Cone Pepper. The varieties of these kinds have red, purple or cream colored fruits displayed above the rich green foliage. Although these plants are technically perennials, they aren't worth keeping after they've fruited once. It's better to start new plants every year. Ornamental Peppers don't form good permanent houseplants.
Pot Cultivation
Peppers need about the same care as Tomatoes, but they are even more vulnerable to cold. They need to be grown in soil that will not dry out quickly and is supplied with plenty of organic matter. Take care, when fertilizing, that is doesn't contain too much nitrogen; this will cause the plants to form a lot of foliage at the expense of the fruits. They should also be planted in a sunny spot. In the garden, they should be planted 18 inches apart in rows, 2 feet apart. Cultivate the surface of the soil often to get rid of weeds, but not so deeply that the roots are harmed. Peppers will bear throughout the summer as long as the fruits are picked regularly as soon as they're large enough. Gather the fruits by snapping of the brittle stems or cut them off with a sharp knife. Any fruits that haven't been picked and are hanging on the plant when frost threatens should be cut off and stored in a cool but frost-free cellar or similar place. Under such conditions they'll keep for 3 or more months.When planting in pots, they should have porous, well-drained soil. Liquid fertilizer may be applied occasionally to prevent the leaves from yellowing. Don't over water; by keeping the soil a bit on the dry side, bushier and more compact plants will form. The plants usually don't need pinching, but if any shoots seem to stray, them may be pinched. Peppers must have full sun all the time. During hot weather, they may be kept in a greenhouse or outside buried to their rims in ashes or sand. They must be brought inside before cold weather sets in.
Seeds should be sown in light, well-drained soil in a warm, sunny greenhouse (60 degrees minimum) 6 to 8 weeks before they are to be set out. They should be set out when the weather is really warm and settled. The seeds take 16 to 20 weeks to sprout. Transplant the seedlings, as soon as they are large enough to handle, into flats, 2 to 3 inches apart or individually in small pots. In either case, use well-drained soil. The plants must never suffer through drought or low temperatures. Harden them off gradually before planting them outside.C. frutescens abbreviatum | C. frutescens conoides |
- Hot Peppers -
C. frutescens abbreviatum (Short Pepper);
C. frutescens conoides (Cone Pepper);
C. frutescens fasciculatum (Red Cluster Pepper);
C. frutescens longum (Long Pepper). The last named includes Chili, Cayenne and Long Yellow. Varieties of hot Pepper are: Hungarian Wax, Large Cherry, Long Red Cayenne, Maule's Red-Hot, Red Chili and Tabasco. All have red and orange-scarlet fruits when ripe. - Sweet or Bell Pepper -
C. frutescens grossum and varieties Merrimack Wonder, Patrick Henry, Harris' Early Giant, Ruby King and Ozark Giant.